Soaker: Balance Training:.
Recommended Frequency and Duration :.
Frequency: once every other day (can be done daily so long as one's muscles are not notably sore from the previous day)
Duration: when beginning, 15 - 30 minute sessions are a good start; can be increased as desired
Overview :.
Pick up the water blaster one wishes to improve one's effectiveness with. Begin with an empty water blaster.
Hold the blaster comfortably with one's dominant hand (or using both hands if necessary for some large blasters); the blaster should be held at one's most comfortable firing position, typically with the blaster along one's side or along one's front slightly above waist height. Feet should be roughly shoulder width apart.
Rotational Space
Without raising one's feet, slowly extend one's arms forward while holding the blaster as far as one can comfortably stretch. Hold for the count of ten (10). After, slowly bring one's blaster and dominant arm across one's body while maintaining the blaster level (if wielding the blaster right-handed, the blaster should end up pointing towards the left, and vice-versa). At the same time, turn one's torso in the same direction of motion, but do not raise one's feet off the ground. Once one has turned as far as one comfortable can, hold for a count of ten (10). Then, slowly swing the blaster towards the outside of one's dominant arm while maintaining the blaster level (if wielding the blaster right-handed, the blaster should end up pointing towards one's right side). Again, while turning one's arm position, rotate one's torso in the same direction as far as one comfortably can. Hold for a count of ten (10). Finally, bring one's arms, torso, and blaster back to the starting position and hold for a count of ten (10). Repeat 10 to 20 times.
Notes: hands should always remains comfortably, yet firmly holding the water blaster at all times. One should also always be able to make the blaster shoot if necessary during the full range of motions between positions. Good, stable balance should be maintained throughout all motions.
Vertical Space
Without raising one's feet, slowly extend one's arms forward while holding the blaster as far as one can comfortably stretch. Hold for the count of ten (10). After, slowly bring one's blaster and dominant arm across one's body while maintaining the blaster level (if wielding the blaster right-handed, the blaster should end up pointing towards the left, and vice-versa). At the same time, turn one's torso in the same direction of motion, but do not raise one's feet off the ground. Once one has turned as far as one comfortable can, hold for a count of ten (10). Then, with blaster outstretched, raise one's arm and blaster so that the blaster is pointed upwards above one's head, but not vertical. Hold for a count of ten (10). With blaster raised, slowly swing the blaster towards the outside of one's dominant arm while maintaining the blaster pointing upwards(if wielding the blaster right-handed, the blaster should end up pointing towards one's right side). Again, while turning one's arm position, rotate one's torso in the same direction as far as one comfortably can. Hold for a count of ten (10). While still in the rotated position, lower one's blaster slowly downwards back to level. Hold for a count of ten (10). Finally, bring one's arms, torso, and blaster back to the starting position and hold for a count of ten (10). Repeat 10 to 20 times.
Notes: hands should always remains comfortably, yet firmly holding the water blaster at all times. One should also always be able to make the blaster shoot if necessary during the full range of motions between positions. Good, stable balance should be maintained throughout all motions.
Additional Thoughts
As one gets comfortable and can easily do reps of 20 with the empty blaster, try it again with a half-filled blaster, then finally with a fully-filled blaster. The added weight will obviously increase the difficultly. Remember, the key is to shift one's weight such that one can balance the blaster in these various extended positions comfortably. This exercise also tones muscles as well as gets one better accustomed to how the blaster innately feels when being held in various positions. While not all these positions are battle-practical, the benefit of these exercises lie in gaining a truer understanding of how one's blaster and body innately react with each other.