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MONSTER SERIES: Released for the year 2000, the Monster series marks the first true hybrid between Super Charger quick-refill technology with true CPS technology and power. The result are REALLY BIG single piece water weapons.
In 2001, a change was made to the naming. The Monster from 2000 was given a new name: The Monster X. This was apparently done since a smaller blaster, known as the Monster, was introduced. (Editor's Note: I'm guessing they did not want to call a new, smaller Monster a Monster S or Mini-Monster as this would defeat the series' name. At the same time, the Monster X just sounds better, though the name, Monster L, would have made more sense.)

General Notes: Largest CPS-based, SC-capable, single-piece water blasters available. Easy to fill using a standard faucet or using the 2-way QFD supplied. The Monster/Monster X has 6 nozzle settings to choose from while the Monster XL has 11 + an off-setting. The 2001 Monster has 4 nozzles and balances size and power very nicely. The Monster series makes the most of both CPS and SC technology, once against pushing the envelope of water blasters.

| Monster/Monster X | Monster XL

2001:Monster | Monster X | 2000:Monster | Monster XL

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