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Backpack Comparison

The following page compares some of the largest backpack-based water weaponry ever created for recreational use. The SS300, CPS3000, CPS3200, SC: Power Pak, and SC: Big Trouble are analyzed based on their different strengths and weaknesses. Presented first are some general facts and figures on each of these blasters.

SC:Power Pak
SC: Big Trouble
Length 69 | 14.5 71 | 42 71 | 43 32 | 45.5 23 | 46.5
Width 9.5 | 28 11.5 | 24 11.5 | 32 8 | 8 8 | 27.5
Height 40 | 42 30 | 8.5 29.5 | 11.5 17.5 | 8 17 | 14
Weight TBM 1.55 2.55 2.9 1.55
PT Volume 1500 850 900 N/A N/A
Res. Volume 6500 8000 8000 3.4 2300
Max. Range TBM 9-11 9-11 10-11 7-9
Max. Output 190 521 481 420 577

Note: Dimensions in cm, Weight in kg, Volumes in mL, Range in m, Output in mL/sec.

These water blasters are considered to be the tankers of their times. The advantage of placing the bulk of the water on one's back means the weight can be evenly distributed between shoulders for much more comfortable carrying. As well, the blaster portion is not as heavy making aiming faster and easier. The problem with backpack blasters is that the hose may feel strange by ones side and one must take care of not snagging it when traversing underbrush, etc. As well, while the weight of the blaster is mostly on the shoulders, the fully loaded blaster can be quite heavy. This often impedes running for most. Of course, with all that water available, one can easily be on the field longer or be more liberal with one's use of water when saturating a foe.

The SS300 is the first backpack soaker produced by Larami Ltd. While it is not the first backpack water blaster, it did boast to have the largest water capacity of any blaster of its time. Prior to its existence, the largest backpack blaster was known as AquaForce which comprise of a 2L backpack reservoir hooked to a hose that fed a small pump'n'squirt gun. In contrast to this, the SS300 (later renamed the XP300, but still essentially the same blaster) had a 6.5L backpack as well as having a 1.5L firing chamber. A fully loaded SS300 held roughly 8L of pure water in all. This, combined with a nozzle that rivals a 5x burst, the SS300 outlasted and outsoaked any of its competition. The main drawback to this blaster was its design. Being an early model Super Soaker(R), the blaster, hose, and reservoir did not feel very sturdy, especially when laden down with over 8kg of additional water weight. As such, running with this blaster was not only difficult, but not recommended for fear of breaking something. However, being the pioneering backpack blaster of the Super Soaker(R) line, its place in soaker history is secure.
Recommended Uses: Heavy frontline assaults, heavy-support blaster, base defense cannon, long-distance tanker for smaller water blasters.

The CPS3000 is a later blaster evolution. Unlike the SS300, the CPS3000 relies on CPS technology to pressurize the water in its firing chamber. As well, the backpack on the CPS3000 uses a soft bladder and nylon casing as opposed to a hard plastic shell. The backpack also hold significantly more water, housing roughly 8L of drenching material. The firing chamber, itself, holds about 850mL, giving near to 9L of water at one's disposal. With four nozzle settings, the CPS3000 offers a variety of choices to meet a multitude of soaker situations. The nozzles are rated at 5x, 10x, 20x, and Aqua-Storm (three virtually identical stream spreading out in a triangular pattern from the nozzle). Apart from the weight, the main drawback to the blaster is the backpack's design. While comfortable on one's shoulders and back, the strength of the backpack case and straps do not appear able to withstand its own weight when full. It is adviseable to put this backpack into a stronger knapsack with a side-zippered opening for the hose outlet.
Recommended Uses: Heavy frontline assaults, heavy-back-up blaster, heavy support, defensive cannon, long-distance tanker for smaller water blasters.

The CPS3200 is the younger brother of the CPS3000. The blaster portion is virtually identical to the CPS3000. The main blaster differences appear to be primarily the colouring though the pressure chamber also appears to be slightly larger and slightly weaker. The other main difference is the design of the backpack reservoir. Instead of the soft-shell reservoir found on the CPS3000, the CPS3200 sports a solid yellow plastic backpack. This pack can support its weight while fully loaded, but the brightness of its colouring makes it nearly impossible to hide in the brush when using this soaker. For those who intend on doing more covert operations, the colours of this blaster definitely need masking.
Recommended Uses: Heavy frontline assaults, heavy-back-up blaster, heavy support, defensive cannon, long-distance tanker for smaller water blasters.

Unlike the previously discussed soakers, the following two soaker backpack blasters are dependant on both an active QFD for filling as well as their backpack to supply the pressurized water. As well, these soakers do not need to be pumped, but have a more limiting payload and output. The SC Power Pak is the older and larger of the two SC backpack soakers. The outlet portion of the blaster sports 4 nozzle settings (two stream sizes and two spray settings). The multiple nozzle settings allow a nice amount of flexibility when it comes to soaking one's opponents. The backpack portion, itself, is basically a large plastic shell housing three cylindrical CPS chambers. The total amount of pressurized water is measured at 3.4L, a very respectable amount of pump-free soaking. The fact that this blaster puts most of its weight onto the user's shoulders makes it much easier to move. Just be aware of where the hose is to prevent it from getting snagged on some outcropping. This blaster's main limitation is its dependance on an active QFD. No active QFD means no means of charging the reservoir/pressure chamber.
Recommended Uses: Frontline assaults, great pump-free back-up blaster, base defense.

The SC Big Trouble is the younger, smaller of the two SC backpack soakers. The outlet portion of this blaster also sports 4 nozzle settings (two stream sizes, fan and power burst). Multiple nozzles allow the user to choose the setting that is most effective to suit any situation's need. The backpack portion, itself, is basically a large plastic shell housing a large cylindrical CPS chamber. The size of this pack is roughly half that of the SC Power Pak, making it a lighter soaker. However, this fact also cuts the average lifetime a user can remain on the field in half as well. However, since it is a small backpack, its usefulness as a pump-free back-up blaster or last-resort soaker is very high.
Recommended Uses: Mid-level frontline assaults, excellent pump-free back-up blaster, base defense.

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