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There are various terminology used when talking about Super Soakers (tm), some of which are not as well known or understood. This glossary has been posted to try and help standardize water weaponry terminology use.

  • Air-Shot: The action of pumping up a Super Soaker® when its reservoir is empty and firing out the compressed air.
  • Aperture: The opening where water is fired from the water blaster.
  • Blaster: Short-form of the term: water blaster.
  • Camouflage: Term describing colours/materials used to make one and one's SuperSoaker® match the terrain to minimize the chance of being detected.
  • Compression Chamber: The part of the water blaster which is pressurized to allow the weapon to fire. Some water weapons have separate compression chambers while others use the reservoir as the compression chamber.
  • CPS (tm): Acronym for the Constant Pressure System(tm) developed by Larami Ltd. Based on a compression chamber which uses an elastic compartment to yield the power when filled with water.
  • CS(tm): Acronym for the Classic Series(tm) developed by Larami Ltd. All CS-class weaponry are based on the original Super Soakers(tm) line.
  • Dry-Shot: See Air-Shot.
  • Firing Angle: Angle difference from horizontal at which a Super Soaker® will fire correctly (i.e. without sputtering)
  • Firing Chamber: See Compression Chamber.
  • Grip: The part of the water weapon held onto by one's hands. On most Super Soakers(tm), there are two grips: one where the trigger is and one for the pump.
  • Handle: See Grip.Some of the newer Super Soakers(tm) have an additional handle on their top for carrying purposes.
  • Mist-Shot: What happens when more air than water is fired from a pressurized firing chamber.
  • Monster: A Super Soaker® weapon series released in the year 2000.
  • Nozzle: The part of the water weapon which has the aperture. Some Super Soakers(tm) have changeable nozzles.
  • Nozzle Rating: Nozzles are rated on based on their output in oz./sec. A nozzle with an output of 1 oz./sec is rated as a 1x nozzle.
  • Output: The rate of water delivered by a blaster per unit time. Output is typically reported as mL/sec or oz./sec.
  • Pump: The part of the water blaster which, with a little bit of arm motion, pressurizes the compression chamber of the water blaster.
  • Pump Volume: The total amount of water moved from the reservoir to the compression chamber with one full pump. (Note: Not all Super Soakers(tm) pump water thus preventing their pump volumes from being measured accurately)
  • Power Soaker®: The general term used for the pump-action based water blasters Larami Ltd. makes.
  • Pressure Chamber: See Compression Chamber
  • QFD: Acronym for the Quick-Fill Device(tm). This device attaches to a standard garden hose allowing all Super Chargers(tm) Super Soakers(tm) to be refilled quickly.
  • Reservoir: The part of the water blaster which holds the bulk of the water/ammunition.
  • Riot Blast: Term associated with some Super Soaker® nozzles which can be removed or modified such that the water blaster fires a burst of water instead of a stream. Less distance but greater area covered.
  • SC: Acronym for Super Chargers series developed by Larami Ltd. and released in 1999.
  • Shielding: Any portable piece of equipment which can be used to deflect blasts of water coming in one's direction.
  • Storm Gun: Non-Super Soaker® water blasters manufactured by Trendmasters Inc.
  • Strap: Part of some SuperSoakers(tm) which allows them to be carried without needing to use one's hands. Straps can also be added to virtually any Super Soaker with a little tweaking.
  • Super Soaker®: The general term used for most of the water blasters Larami Ltd. makes.
  • SW: Acronym for Star Wars(tm) series developed by Larami Ltd. and released in 1999.
  • Target: The object one wishes to unleash a volley of water at. Could be inanimate or human.
  • Trigger: The part of the water blaster which, when pressed/pulled, unleashes the pressurized water from the aperture.
  • Water Balloon: The waterfight equivalent of a hand-grenade.
  • Water Blaster: The proper term for referring to a Super Soaker® or other potent water weapon.
  • Water Grenade: See Water Balloon
  • Water Gun: Older term denoting hand-carried water dispensing devices.
  • WWF Super Soaker: Acronym for the World Wrestling Fedaration series of Super Soaker developed by Larami Ltd. and released in 2000.
  • XP (tm): Acronym for the Xtra Power(tm) series developed by Larami Ltd. All XP-class weaponry have larger apertures than the original Super Soakers(tm).
  • XXP (tm): Acronym for the Xtra Xtra Power(tm) series developed by Larami Ltd. All XXP-class weaponry have larger apertures than the original Super Soakers(tm) as well as two nozzles

Soaker Speak (a.k.a. War Lingo)

The following section outlines various terms and phrases one may encounter on the water war field. If you are interested in submitting additional terms or phrases, see Submission Info.

  • Air Shot: Firing out primarily air from a blaster. Sometimes trace amounts of water way also be expelled. This is a good technique to use when cleaning out a blaster, but horrible to experience when in the midst of a combat situation.
  • Ambush: Sudden surprise attack.
  • Back-Up: This term may refer either to an additional blaster used when one's primary blaster runs dry or it may refer to an alternate water group that will come in to support during an attack.
  • Base: Designated area for refilling (typically) and planning made by a water warfare team. There are different classifications of bases depending on their capabilities (i.e. defences, water supply, mobility, etc.)
  • Blaster: Standard term for any device used for dispensing water over ranged-distances.
  • Bomb: See Water Balloon.
  • Compression Chamber: See Pressure Chamber.
  • Cover: Areas which can be used to hide in or use for defence during an attack.
  • Dodge: Avoiding a water attack.
  • Drenched: See Soaked.
  • Elite: Experienced water warrior.
  • Evade: See Dodge.
  • Fast-Fill Device: See Q.F.D.
  • Full Burst: Completely emptying the full amount of pressurized water in a blaster during an attack.
  • Grenade: See Water Balloon.
  • Grip: Part of the blaster that one holds (typically, but not always, beside the trigger).
  • Hosed: See Soaked.
  • "Keep the Pressure On": Continue to attempt to saturate the "Sponges".
  • Mine: See Water Mine.
  • Mist Shot: See Air Shot.
  • Mousetrap: Having a bait in order to lead enemy troops into a trap or ambush.
  • Neutral Zone: See Safe Zone.
  • "No-Man's Land": Unclaimed territory.
  • Nozzle: Part of the blaster from which pressurized water is released from. Some blasters have multiple nozzles and/or multiple nozzle settings.
  • "One-Shot Kills": Term used in games in which, after a player is soaked, the player can no longer participate in the game until a new game begins. Players who are "killed" must go to some declared waiting area and await the next game.
  • Output: Amount of water a blaster can deliver per second.
  • Pre-pressurize: Term denoting pre-pumping air into an air-pressure blaster with a separate pressure chamber in order to get a more consistent stream.
  • Pressure Chamber: Part of the blaster that holds pressurized water awaiting to be dispensed.
  • Pulse Shot: See Short Burst.
  • Q.F.D./Quick-Fill Device: Also known as a Fast-Fill device. These are used in conjuction with an active hose to refill blasters with Super Charger ability.
  • Refill Station: Area designated for the refilling of blasters with water. Not all refilling stations are safe-zones.
  • Reservoir: Part of the blaster that holds the bulk of the water.
  • Safe Zone: Declared non-combat zone. In a safe-zone, water weaponry usage is prohibited. Violated of safe-zone rules should be punished based on what was agreed upon before a water war.
  • Saturated: Completely covered with water. Worse than being just soaked.
  • Shield/Shielding: Device used to block/deflect incoming water streams/balloons.
  • Short Burst: A controlled, non-complete utilization of the pressurized water in a blaster to yield a short, but solid stream of water. Short bursts are best used when trying to conserve water.
  • Shot Time: Duration a blaster can fire before its stream begins to drop in strength.
  • Sniping/Snipering: Surprise, long-range attack from a blaster from a hidden location.
  • Soaked: Covered quite thoroughly with water. Best done to sponges and avoided by oneself.
  • "Sponge": Enemy person/individual. "Sponges" should be soaked as intensely and often as possible.
  • Strafe/Strafing: Spraying an area with multiple-beams of water. While this technique lowers accuracy, it does increase the likelihood of hitting a target.
  • Stream: Water projected from a blaster.
  • Suppression Fire: Attacks not directed against any particular target, but done in order to minimize the enemy's ability to return fire.
  • Trigger: Part of the blaster that allows the user to release the pressurized water out the nozzle.
  • Water Balloon: Standard term for a water-filled balloon. Typically water balloons are a one-use-only water dispensing device.
  • Water Grenade: See Water Balloon.
  • Water Gun: Old term for water weaponry. Water Blaster preferred. See Blaster.
  • Water Mine: Stationary pressure-activated water dispensing device.

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