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CPS3200 Submitted Reviews

:: Review

Review By SSman (Posted on 2001/07/04 | Edited by

The CPS3200 is the best blaster I have ever used. It has four nozzles: 5x, 10x, 20x, and typhoon blast. Typhoon blast is the least usable one. I rarely use it. The other three all have good uses: 20x for quickly and seriously drenching the enemy, 10x for a good mixture of drenching and conserving, or, the one I use most, 5x, for still good soaking but conserving as well. The backpack is fairly comfortable and only after long wearing with no movement do the straps ever actually begin to hurt. The blaster, itself, has good pumping and water capacity, but could definitely use a more comfortable feel to it like the CPS1700 I compared it to. In a recent water war I had, I was drenching everbody while they slowly refilled. Even when they did get me as Iwas refilling, it didn't take long before I was soaking them right back thanx to the QFD option. It's also good because it's not totally dependent on the QFD. When new, the CPS3200 has a terrible pumping rate, but as it's used, it gets better. Overall, I would give this blaster a 99.99 out of 100 because it only lacks two small things: it takes a good deal of pumping and gets fairly heavy when completely filled.

Pros:huge water capacity, firing rate and amount of water pressurized with each pump increase with use, backpack fairly comfortable,good range

Cons: takes quite a bit of pumping, gets a bit heavy when filled, but really such small price to pay for such good quality, output and capacity

Review By Tha Boy Wonder (Posted on 2000/06/29 | Edited by

Tested with an actual CPS 3200

Designation: Extra Heavy Cannon
Weight Empty: 6.25 lbs
Weight Full: 24.93 lbs
Capacity: 8.5 L (look on the box)
Pressure Tank Size: 30oz (900mL)
Average Shot Times: 5x- 3.9 sec. 10x- 2.5 sec. 20x- 1.5 sec. Typhoon- 2 sec.
Water Deliverance (Per Sec.): 5x- 7.7oz 10x- 12oz 20x- 20oz Typhoon- 10oz
Soakage: Approx. 38 sec. On 5x
Shots Per Full Tank: 9.5
Pumps: First: 26 pumps | After First: 22 pumps
Range (45 degree angle): 5x- 36ft 10x- 36ft 20x- 32ft Typhoon- 35ft
Pump Shaft Volume: 37mL
Fast Fill Time: Approximately 30-60 seconds depending on hose output

The almighty CPS 3200… I was laughing my head off when I got this blaster @ Metrotown, Burnaby (Vancouver), because I bought it on a band trip, and I was gonna shoot the girls in my band… But anyways, to the review.

The predecessor of this blaster is the CPS 3000 and I’m glad to say that this one is better in every way. The fast fill backpack is a must for any battle and the bigger pressure tank is a great improvement.

The blaster has the same nozzles as the CPS 3000, but the new 2000 line of Super Soakers tend to fire more water at the beginning of the shot, so it will make a loud bang and spray a bit, but it doesn’t do anything to performance. The 5x, 10x, and 20x are all useful, but the Typhoon, is kinda useless unless shooting at close range at a group of people. The blaster has excellent output, just 8oz shy of the CPS 3000’s 20x nozzle. But this blaster may powerize, as mine is right now. The 20x nozzle used to be 10oz/sec, but it has doubled in output in one day (I like to use my blasters a lot).

The backpack, although kinda space-age and goofy looking, is a LOT more durable than the CPS 3000 backpack and is QFD compatible, which is a major plus in a battle. Yes, you may now RUN with this backpack! I always do and I have won in every water fight that I have been in. The weight isn’t really a problem (even though it is the heaviest overall Super Soaker® ) because most of the weight is on the shoulders which is all right if you can handle such weight. DO NOT use this blaster if you pant and wheeze after carrying such weight on your back or you’re dead in a water fight.

As for looks, they may look cheesy on a picture, but when you actually see the blaster, it looks pretty kewl.

Overall, I give it 10/10. The perfect blaster for someone who wants to unload a bucket of water on somebody... Plus several more.

POWER TIP: Oh yeah, if you want some fun, take a 3000 and 3200 (3000 backpack in front, 3200 in back, blaster in each hand) and start kickin some butt. It works… all the time for me.


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