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XP85 Submitted Reviews

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Review by Cody C. (Posted 20000612 |
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The XP75 is a rather crummy blaster. Its capacity is OK, but it could have used a separate compression chamber (That was fixed in the XP-95).

The XP75 shoots at an medium distance and doesn't shoot much water.

Here's a MAJOR WORD OF CAUTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The XP75's water tank has a fatal defect: If you pump it up too much, the tank will blow off the gun and go cartwheeling through the air, landing in someone else's backyard. In my squad (The Mandeloriens), we refer to this effect as "The 75 Blow-Out." The tank will fly off like a missile and if the tank comes down in someone else's backyard, you may not be able to recover it.

This can be used as a tactic: If fighting a person with an XP75, tell the guy to pump his gun as hard as he can. The guy, thinking, "more pumps more water!!" will obey. When he presses the trigger, he will suffer from the after effects of a XP75 blow-out (dizzyness, shock, unable to see through the cloud of mist). As soon as this happens, SHOOT 'IM!!!!!!


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