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The War Journal

Vermin War 5 - Part I
Written by M4 (Posted 20020506 | Minor Editing by

Here's the war story. Sadly we didn't have any film so no pics were taking. My mom got a good camera and some film for the history convention, so I can use that Friday and Saturday, I'll send those in when they are developed. I am also drawing our plans on the computer for Saturday, so I can send those to you probably tonight. Also, just for info sake some people are coming over Friday, we are power modding my friend's SC 500, and working on the fort.

Day 1
I had just gotten home from going to the generations fair with scouts. I hopped on my bike and road down to Hemingway Court, where my friend Josh (Psycho) usually plays basketball. Psycho and his friend Mark were playing basketball. I ended up playing 1 on 2 against them until Eric (Tiger, formerly Timberwolf) road down on his bike, and before then Mark had talked about having a water gun fight. So Tiger and I road up to his house to get his CPS 1200, while Mark and Psycho went to my house to get my brother and Psycho's NI SS 100 and CPS 1200 which were in the fort. At first it was going to just be another ordinary elimination battle, but a prelude to the Vermin War to come, since it being a small battle. I filled up my CPS 2000 Armageddon, the same one I used in Dominator War 2, and had bought from Commander Dave (of GNG) of the Water Militia Army of Northern Virginia. I had my sister's CPS 1000 as a side arm, even though she is on the other team she was furniture shopping with my parents so it was a legal steal (legal steal is using a gun when someone else isn't on the other team yet returning it after the battle). I climbed the bradford pear tree in the front yard next to my window and got onto the roof with my two weapons, clothed in baggy pants, my camo war jacket and a real tree camo bandana around my neck/face. Tiger had his 1200 and was on the other side of the roof (PLEASE DO NOT DO THIS WITHOUT YOUR PARENTS PERMISSION). We waited for ages, and I told Tiger to get down and be bait for the enemy. He got down, but went inside and watched from a window. The enemy team had come through the woods up the bike path and were crawling across it, but I couldn't see them from behind the chimney (my brother informed me on this after the battle). By the time they got into the yard I saw them, Tiger had given me a forewarning before. Mark had acquired the codename tank during this battle for legally stealing my CPS 3200. It seemed as if Hellbringer had turned over command to 3rd in Command Psycho, and Tank who was just a mercenary. Tank really had done a good job of sending them out through the woods stealthily, and when we saw them it was almost too late. They charged the deck were Tiger was, only to be stopped by CPS fire from it and the roof. They reformed, and encircled it, getting Tiger wet. He ran back inside and started firing from random windows and doors. I got a few good hits on Tank, by the end of this round I had 4 on him and only 1 on me in a 5 round elimination game. They went back to Psycho's house at least we thought, and refilled. Tiger and I got on our bikes and patrolled the streets of the neighborhood for the enemy team, I had shed my CPS 1000 because it was hard to use two guns on my bike. By the time we got to Psycho's they had left, if they had even gone there at all there was no sign. We road back to my house only to be ambushed along the way. Tank fired at us with my CPS 3200 and Hellbringer and Psycho fired 1200s at us. We ran back to the house dropping our bikes and taking cover. Using Psycho as bait with his NI SS 100 they planned to pull us downhill into the creek area and trap us. We did not take the bait, but attacked Psycho from both sides he fell back towards the next ambush, but we didn't fall for it. Instead shouting for Corey and Pyro (Paul) we feigned a flanking attack with reinforcements. It worked, they ran across the bridge and over the ford across the creek. Reforming in our neighbor's yard they asked for permission to use the yard, in which was granted. Taking up hiding positions behind many buildings they produced a deadly crossfire in which we could not advance over. Then, we singled out Psycho who was hiding behind a plastic playhouse about 5 feet tall. He fired, but then turned and ran. They fired from behind the garage door and then ran to Hemingway Ct. By this time there was an eerie mist over the neighborhood and it had dropped to a cloudy 70F, and from the end of the street came two figures, apparently we were about to see were allegiances stood. It was Jessica ) Jade Falcon, and her brother Daniel. We only got an XP 240 with this, and that wasn't much to help so we went back to the house and she got my sister's CPS 1000 for a main weapon. By this time it was apparent the war had begun. Just after we had refilled we were attacked from the backyard, all of us ran towards our bikes because we had not yet pumped. Jade Falcon didn't get on hers but ran towards tigers house where we were headed. Tiger got on his X Games Bike pretty fast and was almost off before they got there. I on the other hand was weighed down by the CPS 2000 and was shot trying to get on my bike. Throwing my helmet aside and falling off my bike I pumped up Armageddon and said screw this". I covered my teammates while they ran to Tiger's house. We were followed through the woods from his house towards mine again. Yet, we isolated the two XP 270 users who were watching us, and massacred them. The enemy ran back in retreat, and we isolated the rest and soaked them. They took off down the bike path and out towards the road. We split up, with Tiger and Jade Falcon on their heels I took off down the road and dropped down at the path opening. Then they were flushed out. I let out a huge 20x beam from my CPS 2000 and trapped them. It took about 5 minutes before they finally got out of our trap. Then they turned on us with a fury and pushed us back. By the time it ended it was a pure stalemate.

Day 2
After Church some of my friends came to my house and got the idea of raiding the enemy base. Its hard to keep a secret when your brother is the supposed leader of the enemy team. He got out the word we were coming, and our attack fluked. In fact the enemy had positioned two people on our flank and swept us back down the hill and towards the road. We took up a position in one of the forts down at the creek, it was the one in the woods right where the path and Meuller Drive meet I was on this turned over tree that is about 8 feet off the ground, and is over all the brush but still covered, there is a tremendous amount of briars in front of this and the only way to get into the fort is the main entrance or to slash through walls of briars. I had the perfect position on that tree and had an extended range, they didn't get very far, and ended up having to refill. It was about 4 o clock, we had started about 30 minutes ago, and most of the team had to leave for Youth Group, mine being at 7 I had a while to battle. This only left Jade Falcon and I. Of course since lots of the people in this war are all from the same Church the enemy suffered this as well. We were up against 5 people, my brother Jade Falcon's brother's, and Psycho. This was the usual party we were used to when just having casual battles. Knowing they would launch the counter attack after our blotched crusade we took up positions across from the creek on a hill over a big ditch near the road. This way when they came by we could hit them with out elevation advantage, while they'd have to climb into the ditch and back out before they could hit us. First Hellbringer came out with a CPS 1200 and a SC 600 strapped around his waist. The others quickly came after him and were on our side of the road. About at the edge of my CPS 2000's range they saw my comrade. Trying not to show a sign of it they quickly signed to surround us. Yet before they could we opened fire on them, catching them at the top of the ditch. Some of them ran towards us down and up the ditch, while others tried to get around us. Either way we attacked down the hill and out of the woods and pushed them back. Yet by the time we got back out on the road they had reformed and surrounded us. They isolated Jade Falcon, while I took on two CPS 1200s. It was a very wet affair of course, and at the end we all went inside wet after that, knowing they had the upper hand.

Day 3
After supper on Monday my friend Eric (Tiger) came down to my house to see if I wanted to get my CPS 2000 out. We made a deal with my sister that if we watched her dance video then she would fight. So, my brother and sister got out the guns. Earlier that day there had been an attack on Jade Falcon's house, though it was basically just her brothers ambushing her and my brother helping out. This was not the Vermin War we had in mind, while very fun it up to now was not colossal in size, was not extremely hard-core, and not even half of each team had been there. Yet, that was merely because of the fact that we were aiming for June 7th and 8th, and had yet to tell anyone what was happening now. My sister and brother got out their weapons and headed down to the creek. Soon it was apparent that Buccaneer was more then a bit rusty. She couldn't even find her teammate and it was only by our mercy that she was dry until she did, and Hellbringer never did turn out to be a good army commander despite how awesome a squad commander he had always been. This day was simply a chase Hellbringer around the woods, help my sister get back into the flow even though she was on the other team, and make a treaty for a real war... At the end of the day when it all came down we saw this whole thing had just been a stalemate, we were getting nowhere, even though it was really fun. The real war is going to be in two Fridays from when this story was posted, and another on June 7th-8th.

"This is not the beginning of the end, but the end of the beginning." -Winston Churchill

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