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SoakerNet Tactics - Sniping

Tips by Tyler S. (Edited by | Posted on 20011130)
Sniping / Night Fight Tactics:
The following are some good tactics if you are sniping in a night fight. It is easiest to snipe in a night fight because you can now take advantage of the dark. Night fights are best to play at dusk or in a good neighborhood.

Camoflage for a night fight:
You should wear a dark brown if you are fighting in a lighted area. If you wear black, you stand out of the background more easily, therefore you are easier to see in the dark. If you are not in an illuminated area, it is ok to wear black for camo. It is good to wear dark camoflage clothes if you are in the woods. These will greatly help you to blend in to the surroundings you might be in.

Choosing a weapon:
There are many things to look at when choosing a sniping weapon:

a) your weapon should have a range of more than 30 feet.
b) your weapon should have decent power.
c) your weapon should be easy to manuever with.

You want a weapon that balances power and weight. The big weapons such as the CPS 2000 and the CPS 2500 have GREAT range and power, but they are MUCH too heavy to get away with. You have about 1 shot at an enemy and then you're gonna have to run. QUICKLY. Believe me, you do NOT wanna run around with a heavy blaster weighing 20 pounds. I've learned this from experience. The
best blasters to use for sniping are the:

CPS 1000
CPS 1200
CPS 1500
Monster (small, 2001)

Those blasters have excellent power and range. They are also not too heavy and you can get around pretty easily with them. The XP 110, 150, and 310 make great medium sniper blasters. Test your blaster to see if it has good range and is in good working condition. You can't snipe without a blaster!

Prepping your blaster for a sniping / night fight:
If you want to be a sniper in a night fight, you need to have the tools to survive on the field. For night fights, it is a good idea to have a flash light with you. It is an even better idea to strap the flash light to your blaster! Use strong, good tape, or attach straps to your blaster to have a flash light attached to your blaster. Use this to see your surroundings or to temporarily confuse enemies. If you are sniping, it's a good idea to have a scope attached to your blaster. You can get these at most army discount stores.
Get a good, strong, durable scope to attach to your blaster. Use really good tape or cord or rope to attach it. Using a scope can GREATLY increase your accuracy of hitting a target. I DO NOT RECOMMEND LASER POINTERS ON YOUR BLASTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Shining a laser pointer at somebody's face and eyes can PERMANENTLY damage a persons eyes or make them go blind. You want to soak people, not injure them!!!!

Practicing for a sniper's job:
To be sniper, you need PATIENCE AND ACCURACY. Shooting blindly at a target will most likely get yourself under attack be opposing members. You need to practice aiming and firing. Set up targets outside. Preferrably, small, or narrow targets such as poles and cans. Get into attacking position about 25-30 feet away from the intended target. If you have a scope, use the scope to aim, as this will increase your accuracy. Check the wind. Winds can move your stream away from the target, so you can't hit it. When the coast is clear, FIRE!!! If you didn't hit the target, try some more. This will get
you ready for the real war.

During a night fight, try to use the lighting to your advantage. This will conceal you from enemy forces. Try to find the perfect place to set up a sniping spot. During a war such as this, you want a small sidearm or water balloons for a last resort if you are caught. Usually, high places and barricades make the best sniping positions. Try to get low. You want to hide from view as much as possible. Be VERY VERY PATIENT AND QUIET. Even if it takes a whole hour and nobody's coming, still hang around there for a few minutes. If nobody comes, go somewhere where you KNOW somebody's gonna go by. If you see somebody you want to shoot, get low and fire at them. Whether you hit them or not, you need to RUN!!!! Get away as fast a possible and try not to make a lot of noise. If you still have plenty of water and pressure left, set up shop somewhere else after a few minutes and SNIPE ON!!!!

These are my sniping / night fight tactics. I hope these will prove useful to you. See ya later!

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