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Water War Bases
The water war base is basically a defended filling station. The type of base built should reflect the base's strategic importance on the water war field. Large, more permanent-type bases should be built around level 4 or level 5 filling stations. Smaller, temporary bases and even mobile bases can be built around level 1 or level 2 filling stations. This page will look into the different aspects of good base building and give some useful tips about what to consider and what to beware.
Small bases and/or mobile bases can be build around any type of filling station. Mobile bases can only truly be built around Level 1 and Level 2 stations (for obvious reasons). Depending on the number of enemies present, a small base may be enough to use when guarding Level 4 or Level 5 filling stations. However, it is typically recommendable that a larger base be built around larger filling stations.
  • Level 1: Basic Station - Comprised solely of filled water bottles.
  • Level 2: Low Grade Station - Comprised of filled water bottles as well as a large water container (i.e. cooler)
  • Level 3: Mid-Level Station - Comprised of filled water bottles but also has a limited water source (i.e. small faucet, drinking fountain, etc.)
  • Level 4: High-Level Station - Comprised of filled water bottles and has a working hose available
  • Level 5: Top-Level Station - Has 2 or more working hoses available as well as filled water bottles

For small bases, the key to a successful base is light, quick to set-up defenses. One of the easiest and lightest defense materials available to most for base building is plastic garbage-bag-covered corrugated cardboard. The cardboard supplies the strength and rigidity while the garbage bags minimize water damage on the cardboard. The nice thing is that these structures can be built quickly, cheaply, and moved if needed. If designing a mobile base, one way to help the cardboard stand when in base-mode is to attach a collapsible T-joint also made of cardboard to the back of main deflection barrier. More complex barrier designs will incorporate transparent sections in the barrier to allow one to see beyond the wall while still being protected as well as blaster ports to allow one to fire without much fear of return fire. As can be surmised from the general description above, good bases take advanced planning and building. However, the effort used in building and designing a good base will prove invaluable in the heat of a water war.

The following is a simple ranking system for different filling stations. Though this does not need to be adopted by everyone, it makes explaining the rest of this page simpler.

Level 1 Stations have the most limited supply and methods of filling. SC-capable weapons would not be able to use their quick-fill and the SC-Power Pak could not be recharged. However, being made of solely water bottles, this is also the most mobile filling station. If possible (and depending on the size of the water war), many small bases can be set-up with Level 1 stations in them since they are quick and easy to make. Of course, like the water weapons, once the water bottles are empty, the station is out as well.

Level 2 Stations have more water available to them than Level 1 stations, but are also unable to power-charge SC-capable weaponry. These station types do have a "quick-fill" option for smaller weapons which can be simply plunged into the cooler (if enough water is available) and filled quickly. However, like Level 1 stations, once the water supply in the station is exhausted, the station is left high and dry.

Level 3 Stations have an "unlimited" water supply, but do have a limited recharging rate and are still unable to recharge SC-capable weapons via the quick-fill method. Unlike Level 1 and Level 2 stations, Level 3 stations are fixed in position simply due to the water source. The main problem is that using small faucets or drinking fountains do not produce a lot of water at once. It can take a few minutes just to fill one larger water weapon. The best option is that the one who is guarding the filling station should also ensure that many large water bottles are kept near and filled. When allies return to recharge, the water bottles will allow more to fill-up at the same time without having to wait for the water to come from the faucet/drinking fountain. While the rest of the team is on missions, the bottles should be refilled.

Level 4 Stations have an "unlimited" water supply as well as good recharging rate and can opt for recharging SC-capable weapons via the quick-fill method. Filled water bottles, however, are still recommended to have since they will allow more people to recharge at the same time. The problem with only having one hose available is that a choice must be made whether or not to use the quick-fill stand for SC-capable weapons (this is no longer a problem if the new QFDs are used). It takes time to switch between the SC-filling stand and a normal hose-nozzle. If possible, a Y-adapter should be purchased along with a short hose to allow both quick-filling as well as regular hose filling to be used simulaneously. As an aside, the hose, of course, can also be used as a water blaster for station defense.

Level 5 Stations are the "ultimate" filling stations. Two or mose hoses allow SC-power charging to be used without worrying about sacrificing a hose. Multiple hoses also allows a variety of station defense measures to be used (i.e. sprinkler traps, hose-armed patrols, etc.) Using Y-adapters as described in Level 4 Stations further maximizes the usefulness of these stations. Of course, having filled water bottles available would still allow for more allies to recharge at once but this is not as needed since lots of water can be quickly brought forth from multiple hoses.

Combat Tips: General Tips | Offense:Individual | Defence:Individual | Offense:Group | Defence:Group | Game Types | Environment | Bases/Filling Stations | Training Guide
Water Weaponry Tips: General Tips | Ammunition | Water Balloon Use | Blaster Technology Guide

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