in The Armoury you will find descriptions of the various water weaponry
I own and use. Each description includes both positive and negative features
of each weapon as well as the more general weapon specifications. I have
also included a gun modification list for the true water-war enthusiast.
Water Weapon Reviews | Water
Weapon Modifications | Tactical Armament Combinations
Water Weapon Reviews:
Lil' Squirts Series | Mini-XP Series
Water Hose | Water Balloons | Water Sprinklers
Short-forms Used: CPS (Constant Pressure System),
SC (Super Charger), SS (Super Soaker - Original/Classic), SW (Star Wars(tm)),
XP (Xtra Power)
Water Weapon
Note: These modifications are only suggestions
and I cannot guarantee they will work for all. Use at your own discretion
for I cannot and will not take any responsibility for any damaged
Tactical Armament Combinations:
Note: These combinations are based on the weapons
reviewed on this site but other similar-class water weapons can always
be substituted. The principles behind the choice of weapons are given for
each combo.