New Beginnings for

isn-header-2015A single drop striking the surface of a pool of still water creates ripples that spread its energy outwards, affecting every corner of the pool.

Analogous to this, a great idea presented at the right time to the right people can lead to a dramatic change, spreading beyond the initial source to affect countless others everywhere.

And so the image of the falling water droplet was chosen to adorn the top of these pages.

Altogether, the goal of iSoaker is to promote the development of better stock water blasters to support the continuation of great water fights and water wars. serves as the information repository while in its various forms serves as the sounding board for those who wish to participate and assist in this mission.

Our focus is on what is or could be available from stores and other retailers. iSoaker also stands by the view that all water blasters have their use, though some water blasters are more useful than others.

With this in mind, we also have the means to affect future products through our connections with the manufacturing sector. While not everything desired has become reality yet, through constructive feedback and public education on what a good water blaster should be, we move one step closer to turning our dreams into reality.

If you, too, share the desire to change the water warfare world, yet can do so through positive feedback, then Welcome, again.

Ready to post in the forums? The Registration link is on the left.

Leave NO one dry!