The Star Wars Battle Droid Rifle Super Soaker (tm) is the largest of the
Star Wars(tm) Super Soaker line. However, it is based on the single reservoir/pressure
chamber system. As such, the cap must be fastened securely and not opened
while pressurized. The nozzle on this weapon is about the same size as
the Classic Series. Its water capacity, however, is quite low since the
look of the gun took precedent over its actual usefulness as a water weapon.
One thing which is good about the weapon is its colour allows it to be
easily hidden, but its lack of power prevents any serious consideration
for use in large water fights. The pump is short and feels a little awkward
when attempting to pump. The trigger feels sturdy, but the weapon's grip
may be a little small for some hands. Not recommended for any serious
water fights, but may have some novelty since it is based on Star Wars(tm).
Small and easily concealed due to its colour. Easy to carry and to pressurize.
Not a very powerful water stream. Stream size quite small and can be outclassed
by virtually any XP, SC or CPS (perhaps with the exception of an XP20).
Pump short and awkward to use. Based on the single reservoir/pressure
chamber system so cannot be opened when pressurized. Holds a very limited
amount of water due to the weapon's shape. Not really useful for any serious
water fights.
47 cm x 7 cm x 19 cm (18.5" x 2.8" x 7.5") Weight: 550 g (19.4 oz.) Reservoir Volume: 350 mL (11.7 oz.) Firing Chamber Volume: N/A Pump Volume: Air