The Battle of the Tarps

By: TCPaintBaller720

It was about a week since school had ended, and our neighborhood was anxious to begin the water war season. I called up the members of my team, and they came over. We then found out that the two teams that traditionally faced us had joined sides, due to our botched raid in October (See Operation Counter Strike). I hit my head in frustration. The enemy had tied rope from tree to tree, putting tarps on it, and essentially made a big, unpenetratable wall. This wall was extraordinary, sporting full coverage of their area, and that meant it would be hard to capture their supply source. So, my team and i divided into 3 four man fireteams, and planned to assault the fortress. Continue reading The Battle of the Tarps

Satisfying Fight Story

By: Andrew A.

So there I am, at my mundane, but enjoyable work with my city’s recreation department. I have been aware of the pending ambush by the older kids in the program for some time, so I have had time to gear up. I was antsy for the hours leading up to the fight, as I could observe the older kids and their leaders filling up at a water filter station on top of the hill above our park… what in God’s name could take a group soooo long to prepare for a water war. Every time I found myself forgetting of their presence I felt naked and afraid that they would end up with the element of surprise, instead of me. My kids had no idea what was coming, so I had my CPS 2000 MKI and my Vaporizer tucked away in the back supply cabinet. Continue reading Satisfying Fight Story

Dark Elite Part One

By: Dark Elite

The situation was Close Quarters, enough said. I had my brand-new Storm 2500 and was keen to see how it performed against top-notch XPs and some lower CPS cannons.

Straight to it then, I won’t bother with too much background info now. My new squad (Ickle, Scott and me) were geared up and ready to rock on our limited battleground. We were on the second green, lots of bush cover, we were going to need it. After checking over our blasters, the other team came into view. It was Callum, Dean and Faulkner. Ickle’s Storm 2500, along with mine, could match Dean’s Max-D (or so we hoped). Callum was with an XP70 (not exactly intimidating, but he’s good with it) and Faulkner had two pistols I couldn’t ID at this range. Scott had a CPS1000. As they neared the battlefield, we moved into position, ready to rumble. They got into their positions and after a few seconds, all seven blasters shot into the air for a sustained shot until our chambers ran dry. This allowed me, aside from letting us know that battle was imminent, to evaluate Faulkner’s mystery pistols. They both seemed to be 2X or thereabouts. Bring it on. Continue reading Dark Elite Part One

The Ambush

By: Michael T.

Here is the lineup:


Mikey: CPS 4100, CPS 1000
Mo: CPS 1000

My Team:

Me (Michael): Cps 4100, Tripple Agressor
Jason: Cps 2100
Andrew: Monster X (Basically the same as the CPS 4100)

The setup was a small dirt field with a hose, a sidewalk leading to a sidewalk with a small field then a fenced mini playground directly in front of the field. Next to the playground, or directly in front of the field behind the park, are a lineup of garages (Its a co-op) and to the left of the field and sidewalk are houses that have porches covered with bushes. Continue reading The Ambush

Forest Fight I

By: Yannick M.

Our team:

Luke – 2 dollar store water guns that work really well (shoots 35 feet)
Devon – 2 dollar store water guns that work really well (shoots 35 feet)
Jordan – CPS 2700
Yannick (me, leader) – CPS 2500

Other team:

John – Max-D Secret Strike
Josh – 2 XP 270
Mike – Super Charger 600
William – 2 squirt guns (haha)

First, we started out at 7:30 to head to the forest with a 80 litre bucket of water and water balloons. It was super heavy, but luckily a very nice man with a truck offered to drive some of us to the forest and drive the bucket of water. Continue reading Forest Fight I

Operation Counter Strike

By: Zulu

This was a war that took place on October 3rd, 2003, the tenth anniversary of the Battle of Mogadishu (Black Hawk Down) and this war had the similar effects. After the last battles of the summer, the neighborhood had been tense. No one had offical control over the park and everyone held small sections. All of the enemy teams would always follow behind their leaders, armed with CPS 1000s, and act as bodyguards. Although it’s cold in October (I live up north), we planned an operation to ensnare the enemy leadership by launching a surprise attack. Members of the Delta Group (Me, Viper, Hawk) would capture the leaders while the rest of my team would hold a perimeter defending us. Continue reading Operation Counter Strike

Showdown of Natoma

By: Zulu

  • Our Team’s Weaponry
    Monster X
    CPS 1-3-5
    Max-D 2000
    Max-D 4000
    Max-D 6000
    Storm 600 (2)
  • Enemy Weaponry
    CPS 3000 (2)
    XP 350
    XP 250
    Storm 300

This was the first real combat for my full team. We had prepared for months for this fight and we started setting up. We have a park in Natoma, and we setup tarps to defend the tree area of the park, also bringing a 28 gallon tub, 100 water grenades, and a water grenade launcher. We had all prepared. The enemy used their leader’s back yard as a base, complete with a wicker fence guarding the hose. They had also barricaded the other entrance, which was a fenced gate with a shed. The battle soon began. Continue reading Showdown of Natoma

The Battle at Torkarsk

By: David N.

  • Our Team’s Weapons
    Monster X
    CPS 1-3-5
    Water Blaster (2)
    Water Grenades
  • Enemy Weapons

This battle was a minor difficulty compared to most of our battles. The battle was to take place at 1:30pm. I was up since 9:00am loading supplies for the fight. My team was assembled and we practiced aiming and assaulting. We had assembled big caches of weapons, including cheap water pistols. We had assembled a base out in the park and covered it with tarps and had refilling supplies in it. Continue reading The Battle at Torkarsk

The Battle of Natoma

By: Hawk

  • Our Team’s Weaponry
    Monster X
    CPS 1-3-5
    Squirt Fire Gun
    CPS 3200
  • The Enemy’s Weaponry
    Monster X
    CPS 2000 (2)
    XP 350
    CPS 3500 (3)

This battle was sparked inadvertently by my teammate, Snake. Snake had taunted how weak they were because we had supremacy for four years. They all quickly declared war on us at the wrong time. All the rest of my team was at camp, so it just was me and Snake vs 10 angry enemy. Continue reading The Battle of Natoma