Operation Alpha Strike

By: Bravo I

I am Bravo 1, back from our second camping trip at June Lake. It was probably the toughest battle we ever fought because the people that we fought last year got bigger and brought some more reinforcements. That wasn’t the only bad thing because we had about 250 water balloons that were lost and our MSR was cut off. Continue reading Operation Alpha Strike

The Midnight Soakers

By: Nick

Nick = CPS1200
Eric = CPS2700
Eric M = CPS SplashZooka
Ean = XP220 x2
Derek = Monster XL

This is just a listing of some great kills (soaks) I experienced during a seige-style game my friends and I made up on the fly and played at about midnight. We found that playing in the dark was much more fun and no flashlights were needed since the moon, itself, as well as some scattered motion sensor lights in the yard we were in proved to be the perfect amount of light. Continue reading The Midnight Soakers

The Battle of Unescapable Wetness

By: Ian W.

One hot day in late May with the temperature looming somewhere around 80F, my sister, Sarah, and I were home alone brooding over something to do. We got our friend, Lee, to come over that evening and while jumping on our trampoline, I snuck inside and grabbed my CPS 1200. I filled it up in the bathtub, came outside and started provoking Sarah and Lee. Lee came in and grabbed my brand-new XP 220 and XP Triple Play and took off outside while Sarah attatched my new two-way fast filler to one of our three hoses and used it as a shower head. Continue reading The Battle of Unescapable Wetness

War Story

By: Luke H.

Last week, I was at my friend’s house after school. Out of nowhere, we were drenched by a CPS Splashzooka. We run over to his neighbor’s yard, but it seemed like our water assassin was already gone. A few minutes later, we started to fill up my best friend, the CPS2000, an XXP275, a Triple Charge, and a few dozen water balloons. I started to search my neighbor’s yard carrying the CPS2000 and 2 water balloons. Then, I see the see-through green of a Splashzooka. I charged over there and bombarded my foe with 2 water balloons and a full blast from my CPS2000. My friend came over and told me he saw about 3 kids coming down the street carrying a good amount of artillery. I figured the Splashzooka boy was only a diversion. That’s when it happened. From the top of myneighbor’s roof, I was blasted with a Monster XL. He ran and I screamed for my clothes just got dry again. This meant war. Me and my buddy took the Splashzooka, their balloons and charged directly at the kids walking down the street. A kamikaze mission, but we won. We drenched and they ran back home. Mission Accomplished.

The Unexpected Battle of the Downs!

By: Al, Rick, and Dan

Hi, my name is Al and I would like to tell you about a battle that me and two of my buddies had last week completely out of the blue!

It was a coolish day at our high school. The season hadn’t really started yet and our blasters have been suckin’ dust since September. We were shooting hoops out back when we heard shouting from the other side of the school. We ran around to see what was going down. Continue reading The Unexpected Battle of the Downs!

Ambush Alley

By: Bravo I

I am Alpha One. Commander of the Top Secret Water Gun Organiztion called Detachment 101. Each year we battle teens from other campsites (they are always there). We have been doing this for about 3 years and have a lot of experiance. There are 9 of us in the platoon. Each have different special skills such as Close Quarters Combat (CQB) or Demolition. We are all from one Platoon divided into three squads. Alpha Team, Bravo Team, and Charlie Team. Alpha Team is in charge of close quarters combat, Bravo Team is in charge of demolitions and outdoor battling, and Charlie Team is in charge of Artillery and Communiation. This is a pretty long story, but I’m sure it’s worth it. We all have codenames to hide our identity in public waterwars. Continue reading Ambush Alley

Florida Renaissance Festival Water War – 2001

By: Tony B.

The last day of the ren-fest water war was a trip to say the least… About 75 total participants. Since it had to take place after the public had been cleared off the site, it was dark when we got out of our ren garb and into serious soak-battle gear. Several wetsuits were in evidence this year. We told our team to minimize QFD-using soakers this year as that was a serious bottleneck last time. We filled several 68qt marine coolers with ice, topped them with water, and loaded them onto carts to our refill area (we’re MEAN suckers). There were 2 QFD’s for those of us with no alternative. We had 3 people whose sole task was managing the refills (REMF’s?). There were also about 6 dozen 2-liter soda and gatorade bottles placed strategically for emergency refills. Our opponents had two castle towers this year, about 10 feet higher than ground level, complete with crenelation; so they had a defensive advantage; defense is for losers, anyway. Continue reading Florida Renaissance Festival Water War – 2001

SonShine Battle

By: TAKrogoth

I finally got the time to sit down and put what happened at SonShine (July 12-15, 2000) in writing. SonShine is a Christian Music Festival in Wilmar, MN. When there isn’t a band playing that you’re interested in, you’ll always find something interesting to do. This year, I planned a huge water battle. While it didn’t turn out as big as I had wanted it to be, it was fun, anyway. Continue reading SonShine Battle