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Training Guide: Part VII - Water Combat Team - Leader
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The leader of a combat team must possess the right stuff to fill their role. Good leaders must be able to get and synthesize information, being able to come up with plans of attack or defense quickly. Leaders need to have confidence in their decisions and be able to convey this confidence to the rest of the group. The leader must be a person which the entire group must respect and be able to listen to, otherwise all the leader's orders could go to waste.

In a water combat team, the leader must be the "brains" of the group, thinking about how the group can function best together to achieve their goal of giving their enemy a good soaking. To do that, a leader must know the strengths and weaknesses of the group's members to be able to take advantage of each person's strengths while minimizing their weaknesses.

As the leader's job is to co-ordinate, leaders often do not get to participate in the serious exchanges of water between the group and hostiles. Engaging the enemy is more the job of a grunt than a leader. However, there are times which the leader will accompany the team into battle but this is usually to ensure the attack goes as planned.


  • must be able to make quick decisions
  • should be able to assess members of the team and assign them to various duties based on the member's strengths, armaments and abilities
  • should be able to speak clearly and be trusted by the group. If the current leader of a group cannot be trusted, pick a new leader
  • must be open to suggestions from the group. A leader that does not listen to suggestions makes a poor leader. However, should also be able to come to a decision and not end up stuck in a debate
  • must always work for the good of the team and be able rally the team into a well-oiled soaking machine

Can use any weapon type, but leader's role is to coordinate attacks/defense more than attacking. A good medium-sized weapon would be recommended which balances power with speed.


  • pen/pencil and paper for drawing maps, plans, etc. If possible, overhead projector pens and acetate sheets (since they are waterproof)
  • clipboard for storing pens/paper/etc.
  • set of ribbons/arm bands to use for assigning duties as well as identifying one's teammates.

Training Guide: Part VI | Training Guide: Part VIII

Combat Tips: General Tips | Offense:Individual | Defence:Individual | Offense:Group | Defence:Group | Game Types | Environment | Bases/Filling Stations | Training Guide
Water Weaponry Tips: General Tips | Ammunition | Water Balloon Use | Blaster Technology Guide

Copyright © 2002. R.G.