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Training Guide: Part VIII - Water Combat Team - Communications Officer
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The communications officer of a combat team plays a key role in the water combat team. Good com. officers must be able to get information quickly, relaying the information from the rest of the team to the leader and back.

In a water combat team, if the leader is the "brains" of the group, the com. officer is the nervous system, sending orders from the leader to the rest and bringing vital information to the leader's attention.

As the com. officer's job is to help the leader co-ordinate the team. The com. officer may get to participate in the serious exchanges of water between the group and hostiles but is often busier reporting the battle back to base. Com. officers tend to use any forms of media available to getting the message through from leader to group. Walkie-talkies, notes on paper, whistle signals, shouts, etc. are just some of the ways the com. officer can send information. Com. officers in larger battles would make it possible to co-ordinate two attack groups via walkie-talkie to converge quickly and accurately on the enemy by relaying vital information between the groups and the leader.


  • should be able to speak clearly and be trusted by the group
  • must be familiar with various methods of signalling and know how to use all forms of available communication equipment
  • must always work for the good of the team

Can use any weapon type, but communication officer's role is to coordinate attacks/defense more than engaging hostiles. A good medium-sized weapon would be recommended which balances power with speed.


  • pen/pencil and paper for messages, orders, etc. If possible, overhead projector pens and acetate sheets (since they are waterproof)
  • clipboard for storing pens/paper/etc.
  • walkie-talkies if available
  • mirrors, flashlight, etc. for light-based signals

Training Guide: Part VII | Training Guide: Part IX

Combat Tips: General Tips | Offense:Individual | Defence:Individual | Offense:Group | Defence:Group | Game Types | Environment | Bases/Filling Stations | Training Guide
Water Weaponry Tips: General Tips | Ammunition | Water Balloon Use | Blaster Technology Guide

Copyright © 2002. R.G.