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Training Guide: Part XII - Water Combat Team - Scout
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Scouts play a pivotal role in any true water war. All things being equal, the side of the water war which will win is the side with the most information on where the enemy is and where their weaknessness are. The scout's job is to locate the enemy, assess their strengths and weaknesses and report this back to the rest of the team such that a good plan of attack can be designed.

Due to the nature of a scout's job, they must be quick, travelling light and fast through any terrain but remaining as quiet and invisible to the enemy as possible. Clothing to match the terrain definitely helps as well as binoculars for seeing far ahead. Since scouts must travel lightly, a small or medium weapon is recommended. The thought of a scout carrying a CPS3000 is ridiculous. The largest recommendable weapon would be a CPS1000.

Scouts should always scan the area ahead the group when the team is on the move. Scouting missions should also be done before any major attack to attempt to discover any surprises the enemy may have in store.


  • should be lightly armed and not engage the enemy if possible
  • must be familiar with various weapons, recognizing weapons' weaknesses and strengths
  • should be able to move quickly and silently
  • should carry a walkie-talkie if available for reporting enemy location quickly to the rest of the team
  • must be good at making note of vital enemy information (i.e. number of people, weaponry being used, filling station locations, etc.)
  • must always work for the good of the team

A good small to medium-sized weapon would be recommended along with a good back-up weapon. Water balloons also recommended as a last resort weapon.


  • walkie-talkies if available
  • filled 500mL bottles for refilling on the field (amount of water carried depends on the person and their strength)
  • filled water balloons
  • binoculars if available

Training Guide: Part XI | Training Guide: Part XIII

Combat Tips: General Tips | Offense:Individual | Defence:Individual | Offense:Group | Defence:Group | Game Types | Environment | Bases/Filling Stations | Training Guide
Water Weaponry Tips: General Tips | Ammunition | Water Balloon Use | Blaster Technology Guide

Copyright © 2002. R.G.