A Great Fight

By: Loumeyer

Okay, so this story is a little old, but it’s a good one.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007.

Before you read this, remember that my brothers have new codenames:


We had some more friends over, S and L. Before the party battle(which I’ll post some other time), this was our biggest fight of the season. At the time of this battle, the only guns I have are the ShieldBlaster 4000, shotgunned Vaporizer, and Arctic Blast. I do have the Aquapack, however. Continue reading A Great Fight

Battle at the beach house

By: rbertaut44

It was a cloudless Sunday, around noon, on the 12 of June 2007.  It was the last day we were to spend at the beach house in Ventner, New Jersey.  I was trying to get my sister Clara, her friend Lorain, and my friend Oleg to come battle with me.  The teams would be Oleg and Scott Vs. Clara and Lorain. Continue reading Battle at the beach house

Crazy War Story, And I mean crazy…

By: Loumeyer

So, we had our friends over. One’s a couple months older then me, and the other’s my little brother’s age. After playing other stuff for a couple hours, we had a Soakfest.

For some reason, they decided on everyone against me. Here’s the weapons list. (Note: They traded guns a lot.) Continue reading Crazy War Story, And I mean crazy…

Report: Our first wars of the summer

By: Evangel

Okay, as you know I bought a Monster XL off eBay. It arrived JUST in time before I left for my friends house. So I loaded up as many water guns as I could fit into my trunk (plus the CPS2000 and Monster XL in the back seat) and headed for my friend’s house. Apparently, he (known around the block as Gonzo) and his older brother (codenamed Cronos) were able to dig up one more player for a 2vs2 game. We all changed into some soakable clothes, while I donned my awesome Shinobi tactical uniform, and headed to the park. Continue reading Report: Our first wars of the summer

Hydro Brawl: Party Smasher – Battle Report – 04/21/07 @ 14:00

By: C-A_99


The guns and types used in the water war are described below and should help clarify the battle report. It’s particuarly boring so if you want, go ahead and skip to the war. The report itself is fairly small, due to my inability to remember details. It took about 2-3 hours. Continue reading Hydro Brawl: Party Smasher – Battle Report – 04/21/07 @ 14:00

Part One: Sore Loser / Part Two: Wet Behind The… Everything

By: Gold Hawk

Part One: Sore Loser

SH, DH, BH and myself went to a flea market where apparently there would be many soakers to buy. In the end we didn’t find anything so we went back to my house and decided to start a water fight. We decided to have a game we call Soak the Flag which is like capture the Flag except instead of capturing it, you soak it. By the way; Flag = paper towel. Anyway, the teams were DH and me, and SH and BH. I hid our flag in BH’s backyard and they hid theirs on a chair on my back porch. Continue reading Part One: Sore Loser / Part Two: Wet Behind The… Everything

Battle Report: 3/31/06

By: Duxburian

Re-posted with permission from Duxburian. Don’t forget to check out Soaker Media.

Well, our season-opening war was earlier tonight, from 7 PM-9 PM. Unfortunately, Waterbridge was unable to field a team and Belisaurius himself could not go. But the Ridgewood Militia had already mobilized and armed too many people to cancel. So we decided to turn it into a battle winthin ourselves. There were 15 of us, so we split by the squad groups that we had decided on a while ago. I headed a group of 8, Nibordude had a group of 7. So the battle was 8v7, each side with a Douchenator.

So it starts: [remember, it is pitch dark] Continue reading Battle Report: 3/31/06

The Labyrinth Incident

By: XP20Warrior

This was a waterfight I had last summer last May before my birthday. Medhavin and Uvraj, my cousins from the other war I had posted, were involved in this skirmish, including my brother and my…well, I’ll leave that for now.

It had just finished raining. The sky was mostly overcast, a small slit in the clouds, showing a golden sky above. The ground was damp, a few sprinkles still falling from the sky above. Continue reading The Labyrinth Incident