By: C-A_99 and Evangel
Intro by C-A_99:
Me and Evangel have been arranging this for a few months, and I’m thinking of having it this Saturday (June 21, 2008) at around 1:00. (probably have to change it to 2:00 or 3:00 since some people will be busy) I don’t have the address of the place yet, but it should be somewhere between Troy and South Lyon. If, by any chance, other players or teams can make it, let us know and perhaps we could form alliances. Game mode will most likely be 1HK elimination, but we can arrange for other gametypes if everyone agrees. As for water access, I’m not exactly sure on it yet. Its a park so there should be water access around. Still, I’d bring some refill bottles, sidearms, etc. which I always do anyway. Continue reading Aquatic Soaking Squad vs. Mizukage Tactical Unit