By: Kyle
It was the middle of summer, one year ago. Two of my friends and I were in his back yard. Their names are Trevor R and Trevor O. We were not doing to much, just talking, when his neighbors stuck an XXP150 and an XP110 over the fence and began to open fire on us. We were drenched to our boots. We were unarmed at the time and being attacked with two top of the line water guns…. We quickly ran for cover in his house and decided on a plan of action. I rode my bike to my house which is a good 9 blocks away to get my 2 water guns, an XXP 275 and a CPS 2000. They were looking around the area for me so I had to make a quiet escape. While I was gone, they phoned another of our friends who promptly arrived at Trevor R’s house with a pack of 250 water balloons. Continue reading War Stories