2011 Community War, Battle Report

DAY 1, August 20th, 2011:

I got to the park a bit later than I wanted to, due to a late start and getting stopped twice by all the construction that’s going on in my area. After I got there, I unloaded everything onto a picnic table sitting by the basketball court (The pavilion was taken.). Scott arrived in a few minutes, and we set up the gazibo that he brought and filled up the water bottles. Right after we finished with that, everyone else arrived (Great timing!). After a tour of the forest area, we were ready to begin. I decided to use my 2700 because it has the best non-homemade power of all my guns, and is too heavy for my brothers (It does wear down on the arms after a while.). I also used my backpack, in which I stored a MD 4000 for back-up, with 2 water bottles and my Swiss Army knife (I later found out that I also had an old pair of socks in there, that were there since last winter. 😛 ). Continue reading 2011 Community War, Battle Report

Campsite Night Time Soak Fest

By: Rambo

It was our first night up in tremper ny and it was 9:30 pm.all 5 of us me ben rob will and andrew were staying in a campsite, but at that time the only place that was bright enough for a fight was by the bathrooms and showers. the only place we could fill our guns up was in the showers which took forever,until we realised the handicap shower was perfect for reloading Continue reading Campsite Night Time Soak Fest

Boys vs. Girls

By: Maurice

I discovered the world of supersoakers about a year ago. I collected about 15 soakers. Since I’m a sportsteacher I decided to let my students enjoy these unknown classic old fashioned waterguns as well. The students spend most of their time behind a pc so running for your life with a huge supersoaker in your hands is a more fun and active lifestyle. Continue reading Boys vs. Girls

Nightime Free-for-all

The following takes place on Wednesday, April 7th, 2010. Around 20:30 military time.

It was hot, hot, hot. A perfect day for a water fight. The only problem is, whenever me and my brothers(I’ll refer to them as K & J.) have a battle, it always turns out rather boring. Our property is very open, with no cover at all. So what always happens is this: I’m walking around the house, I see one of my brothers, we both charge forward until we’re almost at firing distance, and then one of us will run forward a couple of steps and fire, before quickly jumping back to avoid the opponents fire. So it’s basically back and forth until one of us decides to run back to behind a shed or something to try and set up an ambush. Occasionally we’ll get a few successful ambushes, but aside from that, I’m bored most of the time. Continue reading Nightime Free-for-all