On Statistics, Accuracy, and Reviews on iSoaker.com

armoury_aquatechnologyI began reviewing water blasters, primarily Super Soakers, back in 1998 (over 17 years ago) to go with the launching of Aquatechnology. Of course, I never would have guessed then that I’d still be doing reviews 17 years on (but that’s another story). As Aquatechnology grew and I amassed more and more water guns to test, more people started visiting my site. As Aquatechnology evolved into iSoaker.com in 2000, the ways I measured and reported on how particular water blaster models behaved also changed. To think that there are now over 300 reviews on iSoaker.com Continue reading On Statistics, Accuracy, and Reviews on iSoaker.com

Water Warriors Steady Blast – A Closer Look

water_warriors_steady_blast_gridThe Water Warriors Steady Blast was previously the largest of the new Water Warriors brand water blaster released by Buzz Bee Toys Inc. in 2015, that is, until the Water Warriors Waterlord was unveiled in April, 2015. In many ways, the Steady Blast can be considered as the “Big Brother” of the original Water Warriors Steady Stream (2007). The Steady Blast employs the same spring-based water pressure capacitor technology as first seen in the Steady Stream, but has a number of differences beyond styling as well, some useful, others, not so much.

Continue reading Water Warriors Steady Blast – A Closer Look

Nerf Super Soaker Flash Flood – A Closer Look

nerf_super_soaker_flash_flood_gridThe Nerf Super Soaker Flash Flood is one of the more unique designs released by Hasbro Inc. in 2015 under the Nerf Super Soaker brand. Despite a novel design, why the name, “Flash Flood” was chosen is unclear, especially since there already was a water blaster called the Super Soaker Flash Flood back in 2005.

Nevertheless, featuring a top-mounted syringe-like mechanism over a standard-looking pump-action set-up below, I am unaware of any other water blaster that opted to use this configuration. The dual-pump design of this blaster does confer some level of intimidation, particularly over the uncertainty regarding the drenching power of the upper pump. Whether its performance matches its looks needed to be tested so…. Continue reading Nerf Super Soaker Flash Flood – A Closer Look

Looking for water gun from the 90s….

I’ve been looking for this water gun I had as a kid in the 90s. Was different because it didn’t shoot a stream but rather a blast, like a ball of water. It was a single-shot gun that had a lever style cocking mechanism. I guess it was spring or elastic because when the lever was being pulled back you could hear it clicking like a gear turning and holding the pressure. I’ve looked through all of the years/pictures but can’t seem to find it anywhere.

Thank you!

Water Warriors Waterlord – A Closer Look

water_warriors_waterlord_gridThe Water Warriors Waterlord is the first new elastic-pressure-chamber-based water blaster by Buzz Bee Toys in a little over 4 years (See: Water Warriors Evolution Tree – Elastic -Based) and just shy of five (5) years since Buzz Bee Toys Inc. was sued by Hasbro Inc. for infringing on the “CPS Patent” and being served an injunction, though no monetary penalty (See: History of the Water Warriors brand). Continue reading Water Warriors Waterlord – A Closer Look

Defining a Purpose for iSoaker.net

With the launch of the WordPress-driven part of iSoaker.net, I’ve been torn over exactly what I wanted to do with it. While providing a cleaner landing page and offering easy online content creation tools, the question is what content should appear on iSoaker.net that shouldn’t go to iSoaker.com? The brief moment I ran a WordPress-driven forum indicated that there is no current need to an additional forum on water warfare and that WaterWar.net is doing a good job covering that space. The forums were subsequently shuttered since I really don’t like having that sort of space left stagnant.

As for iSoaker.net, being more interactive in nature, my current idea on content creation is to develop articles on various stock water guns and water blasters that discuss these items in a different way than how things are described in iSoaker.com Reviews. I’m currently working on an article of the Water Warriors Waterlord. I hope to have it done in a few more days and hopefully it will prove to be an interesting read and perhaps starting point for additional discussion here.

Soak on!

R.I.P. Buzz Bee Toys Inc. – Long Live Buzz Bee Toys


Note: While I try to be as factual as possible, much of this post is based on presumptions and some speculation. I was and am not privy to the exact details behind the acquisition of Buzz Bee Toys by Alex Brands nor am I presently aware of how they plan to work together in the short and longer terms. Granted, considering the deal is barely a month old, chances are they are also figuring things out as well. Continue reading R.I.P. Buzz Bee Toys Inc. – Long Live Buzz Bee Toys